Off-white Section Separator

This moist delicious cake is a thing of beauty and if you’re going to make it, you might as well go for the gusto and make a Restaurant Style version of this ah-mazing Cake.

Off-white Section Separator

You will need:

Off-white Section Separator

According to the Jamaican Tourism Board, it was originally called the “Doctor Bird Cake”, which is a nickname for a Jamaican variety of hummingbird called the Red-billed Streamertail.

Off-white Section Separator

The story is that the cake was named after the bird because it was sweet enough to attract hummingbirds. It made its way to the US in the late seventies and Southern bakers embraced this delicious cake with a passion.

Off-white Section Separator

Ready to eat in about an hour and a half!

Off-white Section Separator

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